One of the most overlooked aspects of gardening is planting. For the most part, people think about planting when the last frost has gone and then when the first snow has settled, and the first buds are appearing.

Till planting is a popular method to plant in that it is fast, simple, and easy to do. Till planting is done by simply running a tiller over the garden. The tiller picks up soil and compacts it in a pile until it forms a flat surface.

It is also possible to use some type of hoe to plant. A hoe will break up the soil so that the pile can be rolled or otherwise shaped so that it forms a flat surface that can be worked on by a hoe.

Plowing your garden or a sidewalk with a flat, sloping driveway on top of it will work for some types of planting. Using a flat drive will help keep the grass from buckling or crumbling and it is also useful to push the soil down. It is especially useful for garden beds and flowerbeds.

There are several surfaces that can be used for planting. Paver is very easy to use but can have a large surface area that is open to weeds.

Fill in your garden with sod is another option, but you need to make sure that the lawn has enough grass to support the sod. Grass can add bulk to your garden, but it also can make the area wetter and therefore more likely to become a spot where unwanted weeds will thrive.

A design with a raised center and lots of low profile landscaping are also good for planting because it helps control traffic to high traffic areas such as courtyards and streets. By making the flowerbeds into walkways and allowing some space between them, it is possible to create some security. A nice way to plant in the spring is by having a mulch border planted at the end of each row. This is a big time saver and also will keep a lot of water out of the soil.

Another idea is to lay a paintable surface like cement and put it on top of the ground. This will stop weeds from growing up or, at least, prevent them from becoming too rampant.

An old wheelbarrow can also be used as a lawnmower. You simply unload the wheelbarrow and lay it on top of the ground.

By experimenting with your planting you will find that you will be able to create a whole new level of security and beauty in your garden. Of course, the most important thing to remember when planting is to plan ahead, set boundaries, and to make sure that you do not overwhelm your gardener.

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