The aesthetic of the hair depends on the care, the time taken for it to grow and take shape. The hair which you have grown is not easily maintainable.
There are many factors that may lead to hair loss. It may be the result of infection of the hair follicles, hereditary conditions, or stress and its effect on the hair follicles. Whatever the cause for hair fall, the issue with the hair is highly visible and conspicuous. Most of the time, the hair that has been damaged and which is exposed is also more visible as it has been treated with chemical products, bleach, and many others.
Straightening is a popular procedure followed by all the hair salons in the UK. The growing problem of the hair is one of the reasons for the straightening. Most of the women prefer hair straightening to the other hair care procedures to make their hair looks good. There are various ways to preserve the natural condition of the hair. All the treatments are required to follow the guidelines and directions mentioned below.
Shampooing is the most important treatment after any kind of hair straightening. There are certain measures that are to be adopted while using shampoo. You should use a conditioner after the shampoo to soften the hair and keep it hydrated. Your hair will become smoother and healthier with the use of conditioner.
The use of a deep conditioner is also necessary, as it will provide support to the hair shaft. The added hold will make your hair look thick and healthy.
The hair cut is the second treatment that needs your attention. Every person has his or her own opinion about the look of the hair and every person prefers a different style. While the patient is free to choose his or her choice, the doctor would recommend a certain style that can be beneficial for your hair.
Never cut your hair after using a special conditioner as the hair could dry out during the drying phase. Always wait for fifteen minutes before using a conditioner.
Color is the third thing that should be taken care of after the shampoo. You should apply a few drops of shampoo to the treated hair to get rid of any kind of infection. There are certain rules which are to be followed while applying color.
You should not add an extra amount of color to the hair, as this may make the hair lighter. The color should be applied in the right areas and the color should not be applied on top of the hair as this can damage the scalp.
Always trim the hair as there are certain kinds of problems of the hair and the other can be treated by scissors. Trimming can be done with the help of a barber’s scissors.
Treatment for women’s hair is a challenge, but it is never impossible. Try these simple steps to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.