If you are looking to earn money working from home, Mini Web Sites are a great way to run your own business. Usually, these are simple one or two-page sites that are designed for selling a single product.
A mini web site is basically a sales letter that is designed to convert viewers into buyers, it is there to provide some information about the product, but most importantly to explain how you can benefit from this product. This type of site can attract more viewers, which means more sales and more money for you.
After your presentation, interested buyers can be directed to your payment processor for the sale, or to your affiliate link for more detailed information.
The steps for creating a mini web site are:
– Find a profitable niche or affiliate program.
– Determine the best product to sell for that niche.
– Write a well-crafted page.
– Design a landing page.
Make sure you do not include banners or other advertising, these might distract the attention of your visitors, your only focus should be on selling your product.
Design a Mini Web Site
Each site should sell only one product and be optimized for just that product. Select keywords, and keyword phrases based on your product, that are popular enough to attract a targeted audience that will convert to buying customers, and always use your keywords in the title, heading tags, and graphic alt tags.
Whatever your product, start by quickly describing that particular product and keep your focus tight on that product. Try to pre-sell your product by including several endorsements from people who are happy about using your product. After the endorsements, include several free bonuses to get your visitors even more excited about buying.
To host your site look for a reliable hosting service, one that has a good track record for minimal downtime. Select a domain name that includes your keywords, this will also help your search engine rankings and get you more traffic.
Some benefits of Mini Sites are:
– Easier to optimize for search engine rankings.
– Focuses on a single product that keeps your visitors attention.
– You can be perceived as an expert at whatever you sell or whatever service you offer.
– Higher traffic generated than regular web sites.
Mini-sites are the easiest way to make money because they do not require a large setup cost, and they are. All you need is a great idea and you are ready to make some money.