Guidelines for Online Small Business Owners

The difference between businesses that succeeded and ones that do not is down to their conversion ratios, meaning the ratio of visitors who actually become paying customers. If one in 50 of your visitors becomes a paying customer, then you will have a conversion ratio of 2%. All businesses should …

Great Strategies For Stress Management

Stress can sometimes be a difficult thing to manage even though a lot of people know that managing stress helps reduce health risks. Keep in mind that the more you know and apply towards living a stress-free life the better chance you have at living one. Take note from tips …

Golf Tips: Chipping versus Putting

Playing a chip shot from the fringe of a green versus putting through the fringe can be a little confusing for the average golfer. A lot of golfers choose to putt for the fear of not being able to control the distance of a chip shot around a green and …